>> Regarding Re: [Orgmode] Re: 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not 
>> known; Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> adds:

   >> (if  (featurep 'emacs)
   >> (require 'rx))
   >> To  org-freemind
   >> otherwise it *does not* compile

   > Yes.  I still need to et to fixing org-freemind.el.
   > Unfortunately, the day has not enough hours.

By fixing you mean that it could compile under Xemacs?

But couldn't you just add 

 (if  (featurep 'emacs)
 (require 'rx))

For the time being so that org could be used under Xemacs
(and you would not receive the corresponding complains :-D )


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