On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 18:09, Gez <regis...@geekanddiva.com> wrote:
>> Would you like to make a patch?
> I would like to and I
> read http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.php#sec-3 but I don't have git.

If you would like to this can also be hacked without git. For the
first few patches on only one or two files I just downloaded the most
recent version of the file(s) to be changed like e. g. doc/org.texi or
lisp/org.el starting from
with the right most link `raw', made a copy of the file, changed the
copy and after that made a `diff -up file_original file_changed'. To
make this diff look like it came from git-diff I manually hacked the
lines with --- and +++ to look like the commitdiff that can be seen in
the history of the files on the above links and then posted this
modified patch.

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