This is fantastic. Honestly, I had no idea that one could use LaTeX with babel! This is just perfect. I was googling around for "export tikz pgf jpg" and things like that with no luck. This will do perfectly.
Thanks for the help. John On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 4:25 PM, Eric Schulte <>wrote: > Hi John, > > I use blocks like the following to create standalone pdfs. > > #+begin_src latex :file stuff/epr-logo.pdf :border 1.75em :packages '(("" > "tikz")) :exports none > \usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,shadows,decorations,decorations.text} > \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, ultra thick, -latex'] > {\huge > \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5] > \path > [decorate, > decoration={text along path, > text={main(int argc, char *argv[]) int a; int b; if(a!=b) a++1;}}] > (0,2) cos (3,0.5); > \path > [decorate, > decoration={text along path, > text={argc, char *argv[]) int a; int b; if(a!=b) a++1;}}] > (4.5,-0.5) sin (8,-2) cos (12,0) sin (16,2) cos (19,0.5); > \path > [decorate, > decoration={text along path, > text={main(int argc, char *argv[]) int a; int b; if(a!=b) a++1;}}] > (0,-2) cos (4,0) sin (8,2) cos (11,0.5); > \path > [decorate, > decoration={text along path, > text={[]) int a; int b; if(a!=b) a++1;}}] > (12.5,-0.5) sin (16,-2) cos (20,0) sin (24,2); > \path > [decorate, > decoration={text along path, > text={if(a!=b) a++1;}}] > (20.5,-0.5) sin (24,-2); > \end{tikzpicture} > } > #+end_src > > I then normally use the convert command if I want to change the > resulting pdf into a png or other image type more suitable for web > publishing. > > Best -- Eric > > John Hendy <> writes: > > > Hi, > > > > > > I've recently gotten into TikZ and love it. It is simply fantastic for > > creating neat diagrams and other thingies. > > > > One question... I created an org file with a flow chart in it and simply > put > > my TikZ code in between #+begin_latex and #+end_latex. This is fine when > the > > picture is in a document, but what if I want just a .png/jpg/eps/pdf > output? > > Is it possible to use babel or something else so that I can simply > generate > > a picture vs. needing it to be "in" the PDF output? > > > > I can ask the PGF list as well, but this one is far more active and I > know > > some use TikZ here. I ask because sometimes in my notes I'd like to have > the > > code present but also be able to reuse my work elsewhere, like when I > have > > to present using powerpoint. It'd be nice to just grab the picture (like > > what I do with gnuplot output) rather than generating a pdf just for the > > TikZ pic, screenshot or gimp it down to size, and then be able to use it. > > > > Does that make sense? It seems like babel would be perfect for this. It > > already allows all the typical handles -- file output, what to export, > etc. > > > > Or does this already exist and I'm ignorant? > > > > > > Thoughts? > > John > > _______________________________________________ > > Emacs-orgmode mailing list > > Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. > > > > >
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