Hi John,
On 10-Oct-8, at 9:24 PM, John Hendy wrote:
I'm coming up on some serious need for a project manager. I really
only need gantt chart creation at this point. I strongly dislike the
Qt interface and the need to use that if one wants to get a gantt
chart output from the process. I would much prefer being able to
design my html charts, print them as PDFs or take screenshots and
embed them in presentations, send them to others, etc. (as per tj3).
I am roughly in the same boat as you are. I installed tj2 because the
tk3 manual says it is still unstable, but it's not an ideal solution
for me, as I have everything running on a mac, with tj2 running in an
ubuntu virtual machine (because of the Qt requirement).
..and in addition, I found that the exporter for tj2 - which does 90%
of what I need - was none the less missing a couple of features, so I
started adding them. Specifically I fixed:
- The project node was confused with the top task node.
I changed it so that the project gets its own node. Needed because...
- The project now respects an end date or a duration specified on the
project node
- I made the TODO state export as a flag so that you can use it to
filter reports
(eg generate a pending tasks or an in-progress tasks report)
- There was no way to easily add reports or other globals, besides
variables, so I added a globals and reports node.
- There was no way to handle taskjuggler features that the exporter
doesn't know
about, like scenarios. I fixed this by making a :TJ: drawer, into
which you can
dump any taskjuggler code you like (on any node), so that even if
the exporter
doesn't support a feature you want, you can still make it work from
I've only just got this working, and I haven't written a single line
of documentation for it, except for code comments.
- is there any progress on an exporter for tj3?
My original thought was to post my changes here as a patch, to be
tested and hacked on by the group. Maybe it would be smarter to just
change it into a taskjuggler3 exporter? I just looked through "moving
from 2 to 3" section of the taskjuggler manual. On first glance, it
looks like the semantic changes won't bother the exporter, and that
the syntactic changes are relatively minor. So I am willing to give it
a whirl.
Given the foregoing, two questions for the group:
1. Is anyone interested in the changes I've made for tj2? I
unfortunately don't have time to document them, except in point form
as above, but I am happy to put together a patch and send it to the
list for others to bang away on.
2. Carsten, would you be interested in these changes, and/or a
taskjuggler3 exporter?
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