On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 04:39:26PM +0800, Water Lin wrote:
> I am using following setting
> -----------
> #+STARTUP: nologdone
> -----------
> to avoid done log note while I mark one entry as DONE.
> But I want to set it as a global setting to avoid use it for every org
> file.

Hi Water,

The customizable variable 'org-log-done' is the global setting for all
files. Change it via M-x customize-variable, or by including "(setq
org-log-done nil)" in your .emacs.

Documentation for org-log-done:

Information to record when a task moves to the DONE state.

Possible values are:

nil     Don't add anything, just change the keyword
time    Add a time stamp to the task
note    Prompt for a note and add it with template

> Is there any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone while I am setting my
> project using following code:
> ------------
> (setq org-publish-project-alist
> ------------
> ?

I'm lost here. I can't see the relation between TODO state logging and
project publishing.


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