I fixed my lisp. Just to archive the solution, here's my new defun:
(defun regex-replace (regex string)
(point-to-register 'rrr)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward regex nil t)
(replace-match string))
(jump-to-register 'rrr))
On 2010-10-03 23:01, Indraneel Majumdar wrote:
Thanks Matt and Suvayu,
I messed up with my lisp and that was causing the error. So now I have
another problem, how to fix the lisp code...
I'm using a org export hook to make all targets invisible by a regex
replace. This is probably messing up the selection, so what do I do to
not lose the selected text till the exporter takes over (or probably
not tamper with the selection or something)? I don't know any lisp.
(defun regex-replace (regex string)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward regex nil t)
(replace-match string)))
(defun invisibletag()
"Make all targets invisible"
(regex-replace "\\(<<.+?>>\\) " "\\1(INVISIBLE) ")
(add-hook 'org-export-first-hook 'invisibletag)
On 2010-10-03 22:21, Matt Lundin wrote:
Indraneel Majumdar<indran...@indraneel.info> writes:
On 2010-10-03 20:57, suvayu ali wrote:
On 3 October 2010 06:31, Indraneel
Majumdar<indran...@indraneel.info> wrote:
I'm running into a problem with latex export. I have several
essays under a
top level heading "Essays". How can I export say only one essay
without the
top level heading "Essays" also showing up in the output as a
"Section"? I
want the heading of my essay to be displayed as a latex section.
Is this
possible in any simple way? The manual describes some option to
define my
own class in the .emacs file, but I couldn't understand that very
* Essays
** Essay One
** Essay Two
I want to export only "Essay Two" (eg with a :export: tag) and
don't want
"Essays" to show up.
What about just exporting the subtree you want? I believe the way to
do that is to go to the subtree and while exporting limit the export
with `1'. Hope this helps.
Yes, that exports the subtree (Essay Two) and also exports "Essays"
(but not "Essay One"). I do not want "Essays" to show up at all.
I cannot replicate this. Take the following subtree:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* Essays
** Essay One
Some text.
** Essay Two
Some special text.
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
With the latest org from git, if I press "C-c C-e 1 h" while the cursor
is on (or under) the Essay Two headline, the html output looks like
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Essay Two
Some special text.
Author: Matt Lundin
Date: 2010-10-03 12:47:58 EDT
HTML generated by org-mode 7.01trans in emacs 24
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
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