
I'm trying to capture and file an entry as an top-level entry as first entry

in an org file without config at the beginning (no "#+").
This leads to filing the entry as _second_ headline in the org file.

The template is:
("z" "test" entry (file "~/Data/z.org") "* %^{Note} %t  :NOTE:\n %?"
:prepend t)

I think this is due to jumping over lines starting with "#+" at the
beginning of the org file
(line 715 in org-capture.el (org-capture-place-entry)).
My file has no config header and starts with the first headline. Calling
in this situation leads to jumping to the second headline in the file.

The appended patch fixes this problem by checking if we are on a headline
and then skips jumping to next headline.


Attachment: patch
Description: Binary data

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