Hi Austin, Noorul Islam K M <noo...@noorul.com> writes:
> "Austin F. Frank" <austin.fr...@gmail.com> writes: >> Recently I discovered that I can no longer evaluate R source code blocks >> on a file opened using TRAMP. Just btw, I use Org every day at the moment (with emacs24) to execute code (mostly R) on remote machines. The method I use is to store all Org files locally, and use the :dir header argument to specify the machine on which to run R, e.g. --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- #+babel: :dir /davi...@oak.well.ox.ac.uk:~/bench [...] #+begin_src R system("hostname", intern=TRUE) #+end_src #+results: : oak --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- Do you get the same error evaluating R remotely using this method? >> Using Org-mode version 7.01trans (release_7.01h.746.g72c5) with the What's your emacs version? >> following minimal configuration: >> >> ;; specific to my setup >> (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/src.remote/org-mode/lisp/")) >> (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name >> "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/")) >> >> ;; general instructions >> (require 'tramp) >> (require 'tramp-sh) ; have to do this to set tramp-remote-path? I don't see tramp-sh in emacs23; I do see it in emacs24. >> (require 'ess-site) >> (require 'org-install) >> >> (setq debug-on-error t) >> >> ;; active Babel languages >> (org-babel-do-load-languages >> 'org-babel-load-languages >> '((R . t))) >> >> ;; required for R to work correctly on my remote server >> (add-to-list 'tramp-remote-path 'tramp-own-remote-path) >> >> I evaluate the following code block from a file accessed using TRAMP: [...] How about we test this simple source block: #+begin_src R system("hostname", intern=TRUE) #+end_src in a file on the remote machine opened using C-x C-f with the /u...@machine:path/to/file syntax, with this minimal config: --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- (add-to-list 'load-path "/PATH/TO/ess/lisp") (require 'ess-site) (add-to-list 'load-path "/PATH/TO/org-mode/lisp") (require 'org-install) (setq debug-on-error t) (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((R . t))) --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- >> And get the following backtrace: >> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-function with-parsed-tramp-file-name) >> with-parsed-tramp-file-name("/scpc:bcs:/tmp/R-22126Grk" nil nil) >> org-babel-local-file-name("/scpc:bcs:/tmp/R-22126Grk") [...] With emacs 23.1.1, I get a different error, also involving tramp functions (backtrace below). With emacs I get no error. However, if I add in your two tramp (require) lines: (require 'tramp) (require 'tramp-sh) Then I do get an error with emacs24, again different. I suspect part of the problem is to do with those (require tramp...) lines in your config. Could you try without those lines, and without (add-to-list 'tramp-remote-path 'tramp-own-remote-path) Instead, could you try (setq org-babel-R-command "/PATH/TO/R/EXECUTABLE --slave --no-save") > I tried to replicate this and I get the same error. > If I manually load ob.el by M-x load-file with Location as > /path/to/ob.el then C-c C-c works. But (require 'ob) is not > working. Am I missing something? Noruul, what does (featurep 'ob) evaluate to before you manually attempt the (require 'ob) ? And what goes wrong when you do the require? If (part of) this is an issue of tramp differences between emacs23 and 24 then the tramp author Michael Albinus has already been extremely helpful on several occasions with tramp issues and I am confident he will be able to advise. Dan Error from emacs24 with tramp require lines in emacs config: --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function tramp-compat-octal-to-decimal) signal(void-function (tramp-compat-octal-to-decimal)) byte-code("\203 \305 G!\203 \n\306>\203 \307\207\203&