> In any case, without much supporting evidence[1], I'd say that if you
> are trying to get to OpenOffice this way, the road is probably paved
> with thorns.
> Nick
> [1] I just tried a simple org->latex->oo transformation on Ubuntu 8.10,
> with the default tex4ht distribution for this platform that synaptic
> gave me: I tried for a few minutes without success. But I am a complete
> ignoramus as far as OO goes, so it may very well have been my error.\

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com> wrote:

> Charles Philip Chan <cpc...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> > Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com> writes:
> >
> > > It is not just one file and afaik, *none* of it is written in
> > > Perl. Some of it is C, some of it is TeX, some of it is Java
> > > (apparently: I haven't looked at tex4ht for some years and I don't
> > > remember any Java in there before, but there is some now), a large
> > > amount is just text config files.
> >
> > I didn't take a look at the code, but mk4ht is written in perl:
> >
> > ,----
> > | ls -la /usr/share/texmf/bin/noarch/mk4ht
> > | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 2010-09-07 02:10
> /usr/share/texmf/bin/noarch/mk=
> > 4ht -> ../../../../share/texmf/scripts/tex4ht/mk4ht.pl
> > `----
> >
> Oh, OK, I stand corrected: there is *one* Perl file in there. The rest
> is as I described it, except that there's also a ton of shell
> scripts. This in particular is perhaps a little worrisome for Win32,
> unless one is running cygwin. Not sure whether Vitton's notes address
> this.
> In any case, without much supporting evidence[1], I'd say that if you
> are trying to get to OpenOffice this way, the road is probably paved
> with thorns.
> Nick
> [1] I just tried a simple org->latex->oo transformation on Ubuntu 8.10,
> with the default tex4ht distribution for this platform that synaptic
> gave me: I tried for a few minutes without success. But I am a complete
> ignoramus as far as OO goes, so it may very well have been my error.
I've had mixed results depending on the complexity of the original org
document.  one of us should really write a proper direct exporter, but I am
such a slow (and rotten) coder, and so behind on so many projects, that it
is not going to be me.   There is a rudimentary muse-mode exporter that
might serve as a partial inspiration:
also the new rewritten export engine (what is that called again) looks a
little easier to work with than what's in current org...

if someone does do this please let us all know, I think there are plenty of
people who would really like to use it.

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