"Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:

> The `org-confirm-babel-evaluate' variable can be set to a function which
> can query the user to confirm code block evaluation.  The following code
> does two things.
> 1) it creates and maintains a list of the files that the user has said
>    are safe for evaluation (this list will need to be rebuilt every time
>    you re-start Emacs)
> 2) it shows the language and body of the code block to the user when
>    querying for evaluation


That sounds like what I was seeking.  Thanks!

> Note: the above requires that you pull down the latest version of
> Org-mode.

I've got 7.01h.  I presume you mean something newer than that?  

Bill Harris                  http://makingsense.facilitatedsystems.com/
Facilitated Systems                              Everett, WA 98208 USA
http://www.facilitatedsystems.com/               phone: +1 425 374-1845

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