Maybe some help can be found here re. software? - Big list: - A bit dated, but pretty cool overview of some Linux methods: - Krut looks simple enough and has some neat features: - This is recent and looks simple:
I've never done this and so cannot really recommend anything in particular from the wiki list... I did just try the last method (ffmpeg) and it worked great. I don't have pulse audio at the moment, but tailoring their command to this worked for me: --- ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -f x11grab -r 30 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 output.mkv --- Hope that helps even slightly... I didn't want to fiddle with the actual "applications" right now, but I'm thinking that the ones with a spotlight for the cursor and ability to zoom in could prove to be quite the nice touch. Perhaps we should put together "screencast wish list" somewhere? Then perhaps individuals could sign up to work on them? I think LaTeX integration would be a huge sell. I know a guy at work who uses LaTeX for reports but has never heard of Org-mode. I, on the other hand, only know about LaTeX because I found out about Org-mode. The more I've learned how to use LaTeX, the more when he talks about things I can't believe he's typing out all those lines for his reports! Showing how Org-mode can take what you already know and make it that much easier and faster to get work done would be neat, IMO. <>John On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Eric Schulte <>wrote: > Hi Richard, > > I think this is a really great idea. I agree this could greatly raise > awareness of Org-mode and Org-mode features both for the completely > uninitiated and for the seasoned users. > > We've been meaning to put together a Babel screencast, but as of yet > have not found the time or software. Hopefully this will be the push we > need to either put together a screencast or send you a script with the > required documentation. > > I've had luck hosting Emacs screencasts on vimeo in the past, it is > high-quality and easy to embed the vimeo-hosted video in other sites > (e.g. Worg). > > Best -- Eric > > Richard Moreland <> writes: > > > Hi All, > > > > I think it would be helpful to create a series of screencasts to > > demonstrate Org-mode. The screencasts I've made for MobileOrg[1,2] > > seem to have helped users get started quickly. There are so many > > powerful features of Org-mode that are difficult to visualize yourself > > using until you can see them in action. It may also help draw in new > > users who otherwise wouldn't quite get it. > > > > Some topics that may be interesting: > > > > - Org-mode in action, demonstrating common tasks like capture, > > restructuring a tree, refiling, etc. > > - Babel > > - Integration with other tools (Gnus, WL, Firefox, etc) > > - Clocking/reporting > > - Export capabilities > > - Power user showing their streamlined configurations > > - ...? > > > > I'd like to collect all of the videos in one place, unify them with > > some similar (but simple) production, with each of the videos having a > > page that links to documentation, Worg, example dotfiles, comments, > > etc to help the user take it further on their own. > > > > I'd be happy to host the videos if bandwidth is a concern on the > > site. I've also already purchased the necessary software > > to record/edit the videos. But I'm looking to the community for ideas > > on topics as well as individuals who would be willing to record the > > videos or at least help me work up a script with key talking points so > > I could do the recording and narration. > > > > What do you think? Anyone interested in helping? > > > > Thanks, > > Richard > > > > [1] > > [2] > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Emacs-orgmode mailing list > > Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Emacs-orgmode mailing list > Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. > > >
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