etimecowboy <> writes: > Hi everyone, > > It seems that my org used the Octave program to evaluate my Matlab > code block/generate figures, not Matlab itself.
Hmm, shouldn't do. Could you post your example? Have you activated both octave and matlab? What is the value of your org-babel-load-languages? For me C-c C-c and C-c C-v e on #+begin_src matlab 1+1 #+end_src result in /bin/bash: matlab: command not found You can confirm which language is running by using the "version" command. Here's what I get (note I have to run matlab on a remote computer because I don't have it on my laptop). --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- #+begin_src octave :results output version #+end_src #+results: : ans = 3.2.4 #+begin_src matlab :dir / :results output version #+end_src #+results: #+begin_example The default version of Matlab in /usr/licensed/bin is matlab-R2009b The following versions are available in /usr/licensed/bin: matlab-R2009b matlab-R2009a matlab-R2008b Warning: No display specified. You will not be able to display graphics on the screen. < M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2009 The MathWorks, Inc. Version (R2009b) 64-bit (sol64) August 12, 2009 To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. For product information, visit >> >> ans = (R2009b) >> >> #+end_example --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- > I found this when comparing the exported figure by org with the figure > generated by Matlab. I also found that I cannot use org-babel on an Windows > PC which has Matlab installed, but not Octave. In general we would appreciate any notes on problems encountered when running Org-babel on Windows. dan > > Could someone show me how to use Matlab program to evaluate Matlab code > blocks in org files in both Linux and Windows OS? Maybe it should be some > settings in my .emacs file? > > Thanks again. > > ----------------------------- > > > > _.,----,._ > .:' `:. > .' `. > .' `. > : : > ` .'`':'`'`/ ' > `. \ | / ,' > \ \ | / / > `\_..,,.._/' > {`'-,_`'-} > {`'-,_`'-} > {`'-,_`'-} > `YXXXXY' > ~^^~ > > _______________________________________________ > Emacs-orgmode mailing list > Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. > > _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.