Hi Eric,

"Eric Schulte" wrote:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var results=chartPolAngle(pol=tableTestBabel) 
> :session testBabel:file
>   results
> #+end_src
> [...] That said, I think that we should provide a mechanism for passing
> header arguments through to called code blocks making the original
> functionality you described possible. I'm not sure how best to do that, but
> currently I think we should expand the syntax used to call code blocks to be
> more similar to inline code blocks, s.t. header arguments can be placed
> inside of an optional square bracket section between the name of the code
> block and the arguments. Using this new proposed syntax your example below
> would be written as
> #+call: chartPolAngle[:session testBabel :file 
> testBabel.pdf](pol=tableTestBabel)
> I'd be interested to hear what the community thinks of this new syntax.

Why not stay as closely as possible to the syntax of the blocks?

Something like:

#+call: chartPolAngle :session testBabel :file testBabel.pdf :var 

Though, I'm almost sure I don't understand the real point and implications of
this discussion, hence...

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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