Recently Dan Davidson posted a patch to suppress the removal of blank
lines in exported source code.  I have the opposite problem -
suppression of blank lines added during LaTeX export

---- snip --- begin org file ----
* An R example with :exports both
The following code
#+begin_src R :exports both :results output
2 + 2
shows that there are blank lines added between the code and the
results sections in \LaTeX export.  Is this configurable? In \LaTeX{}
the blank lines cause a new paragraph which often I don't want.
--- snip --- end org file ---

Just copy those lines to an org file and export it to LaTeX to see what I mean.

A related issue is the LaTeX environment for the results.  At present
it is hard-wired in the function org-export-latex-fixed-width in
org-latex.el to be the verbatim environment.  I would like to
configure the appearance of the results using the LaTeX package
fancyvrb and it would be much easier if I could customize the strings
preceding and following the exported results.  The current strings are
"\\begin{verbatim}\n" and "\\end{verbatim}\n\n" and, again, the two
blank lines inserted after the results can be problematic.

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