I'm in the same situation, eager to do humanities in plain text.
(One possibility is reStructuredText, with an elegant syntax and an
excellent ODF exporter. But I love the Swiss-army-knife-ness of Org.)
Just wondering two things:
1. Have you tried out Org > HTML > MS Word or OpenOffice, and how is
it worse than mk4ht for someone who'd prefer not to learn latex?
I find that this works amazingly well:
- export HTML, delete the XML declaration
- open HTML in OpenOffice and remove sections
- select all, copy, paste into a new document, and save that document
as .doc/.odt/.rtf (a bit cumbersome -- there ought to be an option to
open HTML and Save As an office format, but I can't find it)
This gives footnotes, tables, even bookmarks, with internal links to
targets or custom IDs preserved.
2. Given that the above is a viable path to get Rich Text Format
documents, have you tried {Smith, 1995, 6-7} citations and formatting
with Zotero's RTF scan (http://www.zotero.org/support/rtf_scan)? It's
another manual step, of course, so the whole process gets pretty
lengthy, but it does let you format bibliographies for Word with
Zotero from Org...
this is certainly something I'd like to do. But i have the problem
that (1) I don't really know how to use latex, and was trying to avoid
what now seems like the necessary task of learning how to use it; and
(2) in my field (history) latex and bibtex are both pretty problematic
as export formats. Bibtex doesn't support most humanistic citation
styles (and has a rigid type strcture which doesn't accommodate things
like archival materials very well; while latex is neither an
acceptable submission format for most journals, nor a good formation
for collaboration with other scholars (since everyone else writes in
MS Word). This means that what I really need is a more robust
open-document exporter; but that's been giving me problem after
problem lately (for instance, mk4ht has stopped exporting some of my
most important documents, for reasons I don't understand but might be
related to org-mode's latex exporter. I have this notion I saw a
generic exporter that someone wrote for odt, in which you feed the
exporter a template document which ocntains all the relevant style
definitions. but I can't find it anymore, and as I recall it didn't
really seem to work very well anyway.
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