Hi Dan (and David),

Dan Davison wrote:
> I've just pushed changes which mean that Org now fontifies code in code
> blocks. Currently, this is turned on by default, so it would be helpful if
> people could report any problems, and opinions

Three remarks:

1. That simply *is* great!  Thanks a lot, David, for your initial code...

2. It "breaks" my first (and only, up to now) patch to the fontification of
   source block delimiters.
   [See http://osdir.com/ml/emacs-orgmode-gnu/2010-08/msg00550.html]

   Since Carsten applied it (2 weeks ago), the lines BEGIN_SRC and END_SRC
   were correctly highlighted from beginning of line to the end of it (right
   fringe, not last character "à la Ctrl-E"):

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
   #+BEGIN_SRC sh
   cd ~
   wget http://www.mygooglest.com/fni/.emacs
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

   To see what I mean, you need a font with background, for example:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(org-block ((t (:foreground "blue1" :background "#EAFFEA"))))
(org-code ((t (:foreground "blue1" :background "#EAFFEA"))))
(org-meta-line ((t (:foreground "#008ED1" :background "#FFEAEA"))))
(org-table ((t (:foreground "blue1" :background "#EAEAFF"))))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

   Today, with a pull 5 mins ago, the END_SRC line is "fully" highlighted,
   while the BEGIN_SRC line is only highlighted up to the last character on
   the line.

3. As well, what I've lost with this new (great) feature, is that, in the
   above shell code, `cd' is highlighted following the sh-mode, but all the
   code (here, 2 lines) are with no background -- while it was a nice full
   block for the 2 weeks I'm talking of.

   Would there be a way to add a _background color_ to the code blocks (can be
   unique and defined once, for all modes) that would be present, if no mode
   overrides that background color?

> as to whether it should be on or off by default.

On by default. For sure... even with my 2 last remarks.

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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