Bastien <> writes:

> :base-directory now allows a directory name with no ending slash.
> I did this in a slightly different way than the one you suggest:
> ,----
> |       (let* ((r (plist-get (cdr prj) :recursive))
> | -            (b (expand-file-name (plist-get (cdr prj) :base-directory)))
> | +            (b (expand-file-name (file-name-as-directory
> | +                                  (plist-get (cdr prj) :base-directory))))
> |              (x (or (plist-get (cdr prj) :base-extension) "org"))
> `----

Great :-) I didn't know there is the `file-name-as-directory' function.

Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

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