Aloha Alan,

IMHO, yes, this makes good sense. It is probably a good idea to name the org-export-latex-class something associated with the output you want from org-mode, rather than with the LaTeX class that is used to typeset it.

All the best,

On Aug 30, 2010, at 3:43 PM, Alan E. Davis wrote:

Perhaps I can get this done, but I have one important question.

When I define a new "class" in org-export-latex-classes, does it make sense to add a new class that calls the same / documentclass{article} class? I could name this class article2, and define the section structure as I will.

Hope this is not a silly question.  MY head feels dense today,


On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Alan E. Davis <> wrote:

I see what you mean

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Scot Becker <> wrote:

As you'll see org-mode's latex export is currently designed to use org for basic document structuring and only allows for a limited set of mappings between org's structure and latex structure. But you'll see in the latex configuration documentation that it is possible to define what kind of \section{}, \chapter{}, or \subsubparagraph{} is exported for each level of org's headlines.

One imagines it would be possible to define alternate use cases for a class, for example the "article" class. I can see it is possible to define the article class to use

      \\section{%s}   for the first headline level
     \\paragraph{%s} for second levels

This would be useful to me. However, the ordinary article structure with subsection, subsubsection, etc., is good enough for much of what I do. I can imagine copying the article class file into my org directory, and renaming it to article2.cls, and adding it to org-export-latex-classes, with the section -> paragraph structure.

Is there an easier or canonical way to do this?

Thank you for your interest and help.


On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 5:06 AM, Nick Dokos <> wrote:
Alan E. Davis <> wrote:

> Sometimes, I have used outliners, like ThinkTank, to organize my
> thoughts, and reorganize the structure of a document of whatever kind.
> I don't need headings or sectioning in some cases.
> I have not found a way to exclude heading lines from
> LaTeX output in Orgmode, nor have I found a
> tag to say, "omit this headline."  I do see the variables
> org-export-exclude-tags, and org-export-select tags; as well as an
> option to include a specific number of headings as LaTeX sections. In > the later case, other headings are exported as plain list items, not
> what I have in mind.
> A related issue perhaps: what would it take to export, say list items,
> as "paragraph" and "subparagraph" sections in LaTeX.
> The ability to export a pdf almost automatically through LaTeX, even
> with images, is magical.  Many thanks for this.

Some examples might help. I may be particularly dense tonight but I have read your mail a few times and I still have no idea what you are asking (or rather I have multiple ideas, none of which make much sense to me.)


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