Austin Frank <> wrote:

> I have a document that always throws an error when I call
> org-babel-execute-buffer.  I'd guess that there's one particular block
> that is to blame, but I can't tell which block babel is in at the point
> when the error is thrown.
> The error is:
> #v+
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-function org-save-outline-visibility)
>   org-save-outline-visibility(t 1 nil nil)
>   org-babel-execute-buffer(nil)
>   call-interactively(org-babel-execute-buffer nil nil)
> #v-
> Looking at the macro for org-save-outline-visibility, I think the
> problem has to do with the last two arguments being passed in as nil
> nil.  I don't, however, know how this is happening.

I think this is a bug: org-save-outline-visibility is indeed a macro,
defined in org.el, but ob.el does not require org.el, so when it is
compiled, the compiler thinks it's a function that will be defined elsewhere.
If the uncompiled ob.el is loaded, there should be no problem.

Two possible solutions:

- (require 'org) in ob.el.
- move the definition of the macro to org-macs.el (which is required by ob.el
  *and* org.el.)

I'd vote for the second, but Carsten and/or Eric might have a different


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