On Jul 31, 2010, at 5:07 AM, zwz wrote:

Hi, all

I have a item of type "table-line" in org-capture-templates like
("t" "test" table-line
            (file "test.org")
            "| %i%? | %U |" :prepend t)

When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is
still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer
says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer
could not be cleaned up correctly".

Which is an accurate description and it tells you what to do.
A perfect cleanup in tis case is difficult, because you might
have changed something else behind Org's back.

- Carsten

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