Hi Marcelo,

Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <celose...@gmail.com> writes:

> Here it is:
> http://github.com/celoserpa/emacs-starter-kit/blob/master/fullofcaffeine/org.el

Thanks - note that it might be confusing to name your config file org.el
since this is also the name of the main Org file.

Some comments on the fly:

1. you have a double entry for (setq org-return-follows-link t)
2. (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) is not necessary
3. you should use org-capture :)

> I'm using it on OSX Snow Leopard (latest updates applied).

I can't see anything suspicious in your config file that would explain
the slowliness. Maybe someone using OSX Snow Leopard could help further.



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