Dear Experts, I think org-babel is awesome but I'm having some trouble chaining together multiple function calls.
Specifically, I would like to do something like the following #+tblname: fancier | mean | |--------| | #ERROR | #+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe "python-mean" (x (sbe "tbl-example-data" (seed 4) (size (sbe "square" (x 4)))))) but it doesn't work. Can someone help me understand: 1. How to make this work? 2. How to debug things like this (e.g., how do I make something appearing in a table get its own session so I can use org-babel-pop-to-session)? Supporting code and building up examples to try to make the above work are shown below. The following builds up examples for multiple function calls. Save this in org-mode and see what happens. Create a block to generate random data: #+srcname: tbl-example-data(seed=2, size=3) #+begin_src python : import random random.seed(seed) return [i+random.gauss(0,.1) for i in range(size)] #+end_src Create a block to compute the mean #+srcname: python-mean(x) #+begin_src python return sum(x)/float(len(x)) #+end_src Create a table to use the data. To update the table do "C-u C-c *" in the table. #+tblname: summaries | mean | |---------------| | 1.06900574831 | #+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe "python-mean" (x "tbl-example-data")) Create a table to use the data where we pass arguments to tbl-example-data. To update the table do "C-u C-c *" in the table. #+tblname: fancy | mean | |---------------| | 3.53014887192 | #+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe "python-mean" (x "tbl-example-data(seed=4,size=8)")) Define a square function: #+srcname: square(x) #+begin_src python return x*x #+end_src Test squaring: #+tblname: testSquaring | mean | |------| | 16 | #+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe "square" (x 4)) Try to do something even fancier and it doesn't work: #+tblname: fancier | mean | |------| | | #+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe "python-mean" (x "tbl-example-data(seed=4,size=square(4))")) Try to do something even fancier with sbe and it doesn't work. #+tblname: fancier | mean | |------| | | #+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe "python-mean" (x (sbe "tbl-example-data" (seed 4) (size square(4))))) One more try: #+tblname: fancier | mean | |--------| | #ERROR | #+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe "python-mean" (x (sbe "tbl-example-data" (seed 4) (size (sbe "square" (x 4))))))
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