
>>>>> Scot Becker writes:
> Should I pull a separate repo, or make a branch on the one I have?

Both options are possible. In order to make a specific branch in your
current repo, it's a two steps move (and one optional):

  git checkout -b new-lists

  git remote add ngz http://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git (optional
step, it avoids typing the whole url everytime you want to update)

Then, to keep up-to-date:

  git pull ngz end-lists

Don't forget to M-x org-reload.

> Assuming I find no reason to undo the changes, and assuming they are
> merged into the core after some weeks, and assuming that I want keep
> current on the main org repository, will I need to do anything if
> and when these changes get added to the core if I'm already testing
> them on the branch?

You will then switch to master branch, delete new-lists branch (and
ngz remote repository), then reload org-mode.

  git checkout master

  git pull

  git branch -D new-lists

  git remote rm ngz (optional)

  M-x org-reload

I'm no specialist of git, there might be even quicker way to do all of

Thanks for testing.


-- Nicolas

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