
I think org-mode is a very great tool. I use a lot of tables in my documents
produced with org, and I was wondering if row and col spaning was possible?
If not, is there any plan to add this feature in a future release? So that
this kind of tables work:

|                         | agegp                                        |
|                         +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------|
|                         | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65-74 | 75+  |
| alcgp | 0-39g/day | n   | 4     | 4     | 4     | 4     | 4     | 3    |
|       +           +-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------|
|       |           | col | 0.27  | 0.27  | 0.25  | 0.25  | 0.27  | 0.27 |
|       +-----------+-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------|
|       | 40-79     | n   | 4     | 4     | 4     | 4     | 3     | 4    |
|       +           +-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------|
|       |           | col | 0.27  | 0.27  | 0.25  | 0.25  | 0.20  | 0.36 |
|       +-----------+-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------|
|       | 80-119    | n   | 3     | 4     | 4     | 4     | 4     | 2    |
|       +           +-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------|
|       |           | col | 0.20  | 0.27  | 0.25  | 0.25  | 0.27  | 0.18 |
|       +-----------+-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------|
|       | 120+      | n   | 4     | 3     | 4     | 4     | 4     | 2    |
|       +           +-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------|
|       |           | col | 0.27  | 0.20  | 0.25  | 0.25  | 0.27  | 0.18 |

I know this is not a small request, and I don't know how to adapt
spreadsheet capabilities to that kind of table, but...

Thank you very much.
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