Michael Gilbert wrote:
>Hi —

>I am just now transitioning to logging state changes into a logbook
>drawer. But I have legacy agenda files with hundreds of lines that
>were not put into that drawer. Does anyone know of a convenient way
>to move all the past state changes into the suitable drawer? If that
>in the manual, I'm afraid I missed it.

Moving these non-logbook state changes into the LOGBOOK drawer is not
covered in the manual.  Just gave this problem a thought and will see
if I can provide a function that does the job.  Although there are
limitations.  Finding state changes without a note is doable.

| ^[ \t]*- State .+

If they have a note they end with "\\" and we know for certain that
everything up to a blank line ("\n\n") belongs to the state change.
But we cannot say if things below this blank line belong to the note
or not.

| - State "WAIT"       from "TODO"       [2010-06-27 So 08:41] \\
|   Here is some text.
|   And the note goes on!

  -- David
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