Hi all,

I've found a bug with capturing as item to a running clock. I reduced
my dot-emacs to the bare minumum(given below), but the problem

Here is how it goes.

+ refile.org is in state 0.
+ C-M-r t
+ TODO task One entered. Clock is running. I switch to firefox and
save the link. C-c C-c.
+ refile.org is in state 1. The link is correctly saved
+ C-M-r t (again)
+ TODO task Two entered. Clock is running. I switch to firefox and
save the link. C-c C-c.
+ refile.org is in state 1. The link is wrongly saved. The item is
appended to a wrong (existing list) instead of starting a new list.

If I change my capture template to make the link to be an entry
instead of an item, things work as expected.

;;refile.org-state 0
* Tasks

;;refile.org-state 1
* Tasks
** TODO One
   CLOCK: [2010-07-23 Fri 15:57]--[2010-07-23 Fri 15:57] =>  0:00
- [[http://orgmode.org/][Org-Mode: Your Life in Plain Text]]

;;refile.org-state 2
* Tasks
** TODO One
   CLOCK: [2010-07-23 Fri 15:57]--[2010-07-23 Fri 15:57] =>  0:00
- [[http://orgmode.org/][Org-Mode: Your Life in Plain Text]]
- [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Hello Worg!]]
** TODO Two
   CLOCK: [2010-07-23 Fri 15:59]--[2010-07-23 Fri 16:00] =>  0:01

;; Load up Org Mode and Babel
(setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d/elisp/org/lisp" load-path))
(setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d/elisp/org/contrib/lisp" load-path))

(require 'org-install)

(require 'org-capture)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-r") 'org-capture)

;; org-protocol
(require 'org-protocol)

(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("t" "task" entry
         (file+headline "refile.org" "Tasks")
         "* TODO %? \n\n\n  " :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
        ("x" "save relevant links" item
         "- [[%:link][%:description]]" :immediate-finish t)))

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