Hi Bernt,

Bernt Hansen wrote:
> Sébastien Vauban writes:
>> David Maus wrote:
>>> Tassilo Horn wrote:
>> [...@mundaneum] />nc -vv mail imap
>> Did twice the same request. Did take twice 5 mins...
>> In my case, the culprit seems well to be our mail server, then.
>> Maybe a problem is that I keep all of my emails (but the spams...) since the
>> beginning: now, over 140,000 emails entered my INBOX -- only the spams left
>> it.
>> What would be your pieces of advice in such a case? Do I need to test
>> something extra? Get a local imap server? Others (like asking for fixing the
>> search on our Courier mail server)?
> I have an IMAP server on my local 100MB/sec network and one of my (spam)
> folders has 148200 messages in it. If I link to one of those messages in
> Gnus, close Gnus, and access the link from org-mode it finds the email in 13
> seconds (8 seconds if Gnus is already open which is how I normally leave it
> running)
> If you are accessing your mail server on a slower network then that will
> adversely affect your response times.
I'm using a 100 Mbps network as well. That does not seem to be the problem,
and as stated by Tassilo, only one request is made...

> Mirroring your mail server with offline imap or some other tool and linking
> to the local mirror might help your access times. I've never used that
> myself but others have reported success with this.

I am (or was) a bit reluctant about this, as I always try (or tried) to have
portable solutions that my colleagues can use on Windows. Some of them use my
.emacs file, just changing user-name variables and some such. Same for my
.gnus file.

Installing local imap servers only running on Ubuntu is thus inserting a
difference that others won't be able to match. But if that's the way to go.

Bernt, what's your IMAP server, by the way?

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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