=?utf-8?Q?S=C3=A9bastien_Vauban?= <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> wrote:

> By carefully reading the article just sent by Erik (in another thread) about
> Edebug, becoming aware of the cursor movements under stepping, I now can say
> without error what *really* eats the time.
> I effectively saw every parameter evaluated, every one after the other. Here
> are the results:
> - head :: nnimap-request-head
> - article :: "<871vbxzo6....@mundaneum.com>"
> - (gnus-group-real-name group) :: "INBOX.mc"
> - gnus-command-method :: (nnimap "mc"
>                               (nnimap-address "mail.missioncriticalit.com")
>                               (nnir-search-engine imap))
> - (nth 1 gnus-command-method) :: "mc"
> - (funcall nnimap-request-head "<871vbxzo6....@mundaneum.com>" "INBOX.mc" "=
> mc")
>   results... after 5 mins... in ("INBOX.mc" . 28606)
> So, that's not `nth' that took the time (as previously thought), but the
> `funcall'.
> What does the jury thinks of that?

You've got a few more layers of elisp to go through.

You should edebug-defun the function nnimap-request-article-part in
nnimap.el and keep going. You should also probably investigate what
would happen if you set nnimap-debug to t, after reading its docstring.


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