Hi Austin,

You've found an error.  The hash should be updated every time a new
result is inserted into the buffer.  I've just pushed up a fix which I
believe should take care of this error.  Please let me know if any
problems persist, or if some portion of your request remains

Thanks -- Eric

Austin Frank <austin.fr...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello!
> I would find it extremely useful if the org-babel-execute-* family of
> commands re-hashed the executed blocks on each execution, or,
> alternatively, accepted a prefix argument that meant "re-execute this
> block even if cached, and replace the cache-hash if necessary".
> Currently, if a block is cached, when I change something inside the
> block and then execute the block again, the hash in the #+results line
> doesn't change.  In cases where the contents of the block change but the
> output of the block does not, this makes it very difficult to tell
> whether the block has been re-executed or not.
> If there are good reasons not to re-hash the block on each execution and
> update the hash in the results line, I would like to be able to force
> this behavior.  In cases where I know that I want the block to be
> re-hashed and re-executed, it seems like C-u C-c C-c or C-u C-u C-c C-c
> would be a natural and org-ish way to force this.
> Here's a simple test case:
> * elisp example
> #+source:  elisp-test
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :cache yes
> (print "hello world")
> (print "re-hash and re-execute, please!")
> #+results[f6dfc164b16889f1569fcd3242ba3de721853bc8]: elisp-test
> : hello world
> Now I change the above block in place (but reproduce the changes
> sequentially here):
> #+source:  elisp-test
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :cache yes
> (print "hello world")
> (print "re-hash and re-execute, please!")
> #+results[f6dfc164b16889f1569fcd3242ba3de721853bc8]: elisp-test
> : re-hash and re-execute, please!
> Note that the block changed, and the results changed, but the hash did
> not.
> Now we change it again, in a way that doesn't change the output:
> #+source:  elisp-test
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :cache yes
> (setq four (+ 2 2))
> (print "hello world")
> (print "re-hash and re-execute, please!")
> #+results[f6dfc164b16889f1569fcd3242ba3de721853bc8]: elisp-test
> : re-hash and re-execute, please!
> Again the block changed, but this time the results did not change and
> neither did the hash.  This makes it very hard to tell whether the code
> has been re-executed or not.  If the hash changed when the block
> changed, I could tell that the new code had been detected and run.
> Finally, we check whether the previous change was actually evaluated:
> * elisp test
> #+source:  elisp-test
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :cache yes
> (setq four (+ 2 2))
> (print "hello world")
> (print "re-hash and re-execute, please!")
> (print four)
> #+results[f6dfc164b16889f1569fcd3242ba3de721853bc8]: elisp-test
> : 4
> So the block is re-evaluated when it's changed, but the hash isn't
> updated.  The only way we can tell if an altered block is re-run is if
> the output changes, but that won't necessarily be the case for every
> change in a block.  It would be very useful if the block were re-hashed
> before each execution, and the cache line updated whenever the hash
> changes.  One possible solution is to force re-hashing and re-execution
> with a prefix argument (or double prefix argument, if preferred).
> Thanks,
> /au

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