
theres a type in org-exp.el: in the documentation to org-export-section-number-format, there's twice the counter type "a"; the second time it should be an "i", I think:

From org-exp.el:

1. A list of lists, each indicating a counter type and a separator.
   The counter type can be any of \"1\", \"A\", \"a\", \"I\", or \"a\".
   It causes causes numeric, alphabetic, or roman counters, respectively.

To my question, I can't seem to get this option to work I've got the
following line in the file header:

#+OPTIONS: section-number-format:(quote ((("I" ".")) . "."))

Despite this I get sections numbered 1, 2, 3 etc.

I'd be very grateful for a working example.

Thank you very much

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