Hi Eric,

Thanks so much for taking these observations into account.

"Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:

> Thanks for raising the point about potentially dangerous code blocks.
> Matt Lundin <m...@imapmail.org> writes:
>> Hi Eric,
>> Thanks again for all the work that you, Dan, and Tom have put into
>> org-babel. I'm glad to see it become part of org-mode!
>> "Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> 2) Babel will now be loaded by default along with the rest of Org-mode.
>>>    This means that *everyone* currently using babel will need to change
>>>    their Emacs config and remove the (require 'org-babel-int) and/or
>>>    (require 'org-babel) lines.
>> I would like to request that org-babel be made an optional module. I ask
>> this as someone who uses org-babel regularly. Here are my reasons:
>>   - Org-babel adds rather specific and complex functionality to org-mode
>>     that those who use it as a simple outliner and todo manager do not
>>     require. (In other words, an option to turn it off might be nice for
>>     those who are worried about "feature creep.")
> I'm less struck by this point, as there are many features of Org-mode
> which I personally don't understand or use and I'm certainly some
> features the existence of which I am completely unaware.  However as
> long as Babel doesn't significantly affect load time, I'd rather it be
> present in the background, to simplify it's use.

Yes, I can certainly understand this. My own preference is for
modularity and minimalism---i.e., if possible, give users the option of
*not* loading or requiring a package. For example, I appreciate that
org-habit is a module --- one doesn't have to load it if one doesn't
want to. But org-habit is perhaps more clearly an "add-on" than is
org-babel. Having used the latter only for perl, python, and shell code
evaluation, I imagine I underestimate the enhancements it makes to the
core functionality of org source blocks. :)

>>   - Org-babel increases the risk of accidentally executing malicious or
>>     dangerous code when typing C-c C-c on a src block or exporting a
>>     file. Perhaps users should activate it only after they understand
>>     the risks.
>>     + For instance, I might write a blog post warning about the dangers
>>       of typing "rm -rf ~/". If I put this between #+begin_src sh
>>       and #+end_src and unthinkingly hit C-c C-c, I would be in trouble.
>>       I believe this is the reason for the variables
>>       org-confirm-shell-link-function and
>>       org-confirm-elisp-link-function.
> This to me is a much more motivating concern.  With arbitrary code
> evaluation there is unlimited room for mayhem and destruction (both
> malicious and accidental), although anyone who works with code in any
> form is already exposed to such risks.

Yes, this is my primary concern.

>>     + This is admitted a bit far-fetched as an example, as it would
>>       require one to have loaded ob-sh.el. But since elisp execution is
>>       activated by default, there remain opportunities for unwittingly
>>       executing code that is meant for other purposes (e.g., warnings,
>>       examples, etc.).
> No I don't think it's far fetched at all.  I think any of the three
> following solutions (with a strong preference for the first) should
> address this problem.
> 1) My preferred solution would be to keep things largely as they are,
>    only w/o emacs-lisp activated by default.  That way there is no
>    required configuration change for babel users (aside from having to
>    add an 'ob-emacs-lisp require), and we address the issue of
>    unintentional code execution -- anyone who has activated a language
>    is presumably aware of what they are doing.
>    Additionally this solution would retain some non-active Babel
>    features like tangling.
> 2) We could add a new global environment variable along the lines of
>    org-confirm-shell-link-function, say org-confirm-babel-execution or
>    somesuch.  This would be easy to implement, and would retain tangle
>    like functionality but doesn't seem as conceptually clean as the
>    above solution.

Perhaps some combination of 1 and 2?


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