Hi Eric,

I can only agree with what has already been said, namely that this is
a very nice solution which indeed is much more generic and does not
require fiddling with the core of the distribution.

Thanks for this, this even closes, I think, the older thread or
re-opens it to further discussion ;)



On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sébastien,
> Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:
>> Hi Eric,
>> Carsten Dominik wrote:
>>> On Jun 28, 2010, at 7:09 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:
>>>> One way to deal with this without adding even more complexity to the core
>>>> of org-mode could be through the use of "Library of Babel" functions.
>>>> The attached org-mode file provides a function for exporting to the
>>>> longtable environment with some example usage. If this looks generally
>>>> useful it (and maybe similar functions) could be added to the library of
>>>> babel distributed w/Org-mode.
>>>> What do you think? -- Eric
>>> This looks like a great solution to me.
>> It does look great to me as well. Just a request on the wish-list: could the
>> table environment be made a parameter (so that we can choose between tabular,
>> tabular*, etc.)?
> Sure, my thinking was that it may be more natural to use the environment
> type as the function name (allowing more concise function calls).  Also,
> that way if there are some arguments that only make sense for particular
> environment (I'm not sure that there are) then it would be easy to
> customize the functions on a per-environment bases.  But if these
> environments are all pretty similar
> - tabular*
> - booktabs
> - longtable
> - tablex
> - array
> then I guess one single function is the way to go.
> I'll add this to the library-of-babel.org in
> contrib/babel/library-of-babel.org and please feel free to play around
> with the function definition.  This file lives in the contrib directory
> to encourage user participation -- in fact maybe the
> library-of-babel.org (or a copy) should move to Worg.
> Thanks -- Eric
>> Best regards,
>>   Seb
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