Some question come to my mind (see below for a general question):

Could you, please, elaborate who are the distribution editors?

+ Carsten with file
+ FSF emacs+[stable]-orgmode?

and what do mean, when you say "upstream"/"downstream" packages?

Disclaimer I am not Stefano:) It's fairly common for Linux distros to split large applications into smaller packages. A good example would be MythTV, which Debian split into a number of packages that support different features.

This used to be the case for Emacs, but since Emacs 23 most things seem to be included in the core version.

To use the Debian analogy the upstream would be Carsten and downstream would be whoever created the Debian packages. The packagers commonly feed back bug reports/bug fixes to the upstream, plus suggestions on how to make the code easier to build packages.

One possible solution to the "Worg Problem" would be to create a ppa (Personal Package Archive) on Launchpad. This would create a debian package of Worg, which would at least help Debian/Ubuntu users. The reason I suggest Launchpad is that it has a number of automated build facilities that reduce the work the package maintainer has to do to keep the package up to date.


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