Stefano Zacchiroli <> writes:
          Dì bän só, fantèsma!
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 02:30:28PM -0400, Nick Dokos wrote:
>> Or they can use the info doc (section 1.1, "Summary") to find the org
>> website and follow the link to Worg. Or they can ask on the list. And
> No, they can't, *while they are offline*.

So? they have to *wait* until they're online again. 
Is it so difficult? They have only to 'postpone(GDT)' the 
solution of such problem. 
And I believe that the *important features* and tricks are already 
covered by both the manual and the variable description in the source

>> once they know how to get there, there will be no need for another
>> documentation blob to land on *everybody's* disk. Besides, if they can't
> That is not really a sound counter argument: 

Sorry to contradict you, but this *is* a counter argument.

In mail <>  you wrote:

>>>> I think it would make sense to "freeze" wort at each org-mode release
>>>> and ship a copy of it 
>>>> in a way that makes it integrated in the Emacs help system.
and in mail  <> you wrote:

>>>> Take this just as a feature request entitled 
>>>> "please ship Worg snapshots as part of the org-mode documentation"; 
Until now the "org-mode documentation" [i.e. the info file] has 
been *inside* the org-mode package. So it is perfectly 
reasonable that *we* understood/inferred
that you wanted to ship worg within the package. 

> most GNU-Emacs
> distributions are package based and can easily split out -doc packages
> to avoid wasting space on *everybody's* disk.

Thanks for suggesting, /now/, to buid a different package.

And I completely agree with you: *if* somebody will package 
the worg site it *must* be packaged in a 
*different* package (e.g. 'org-worg') and not in the Org-Mode package.

> Well, the Emacs help system is *very* powerful: once you entered a
> specific info topic

Do you suggest to integrare org-worg in the info system? 
The files are written in 'org syntax' they should be
converted in '(tex)info syntax'.
Is it an easy task?  I don't think so, but maybe Richard will 
enlight me again ;-) as he already did with the bandwidth/disk matter.

In the end I think that 'git clone' is *the best option*: less work for
org-mode developers/maintainer(s) and the people, who want it on their
disks, are free to clone it... and also to commit ;-)


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