Manish <> writes:

> From where can I get the latest version of org-taskjuggler?

I finally managed to push the taskjuggler exporter to the public repo.
It's located in the branch taskjuggler-export and should be ready to be
merged into the mainline.

- All the FSF paper work has been completed
- AFAIK all the feedback has been incorporated
  - e.g. frivolous handling of ID property
  - better error handling
- added documentation to export section of org.texi
- included taskjuggler export in the export dispatcher
- added it to the Makefile

I'm using this exporter almost on a daily bases, but I'm sure there are
quite a few issues left. For example there is a warning when byte
compiling about a reference to free variable `old-level'. I don't know
if it is kosher to just quiet the compiler with a defvar. There are some
other known issues mentioned in the TODO section in the code. However I
think it is ready for wider consumption.

Also there is an up-to-date tutorial on the usage of the taskjuggler
exporter at


Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

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