On Jun 2, 2010, at 9:44 AM, Christian Egli wrote:

Hi Carsten

Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> writes:

are we ready to install org-taskjuggler.el into Org-mode?

I modified it so that it no longer uses the ID property, so from that
perspective it should be ready. What is missing is a little section for the manual and the integration in the the exporter and the build system.

You do have a tutorial on Worg, so I guess a small section would suffice?
Please go ahead and write it.

Where do you want it, core or contrib?

I would want to add it to the core.

I did not yet hear from you that the FSF assignment process
is done, could you please update me on that?

I just today got an email from FSF saying that my assignment/ disclaimer
process (for all of GNU Emacs) with the FSF is complete. If you like I
can send you copies of the signed PDFs.


Should I push to a branch (e.g. taskjuggler-export) on repo.or.cz and
take it from there?

Maybe first write the manual section, then update your branch
to the current master, and then push it and tell me about
it - I will then merge the branch.


- Carsten

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