Beautiful. Problem solved.

On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 8:22 AM, David Maus <> wrote:

> Hi John,
> John Hendy wrote:
> >I've been looking at the mailing list archive here:
> >
> >I have some questions/issues:
> >1) is there a 'current' version of org-atom.el? The attachment on the
> email
> >listing is from March and there doesn't appear to be a file on the site (
> > referenced in the mailing list
> Yes, there is a current version of org-atom.el located on github at
> I am currently preparing the exporter for a official release, aiming
> at this weekend to finish it.  Please be aware that I am pondering
> some incompatible changes to the exporter before release.  I.e. you
> could use the file linked above but would have to make changes to your
> files after the release.
> The error you are facing is due to some incompatible changes in
> atom-syndication.el; the file above works with new version of
> atom-syndication.el.
> The question about publishing to a file, not a URL is a
> misunderstanding.  The exporter always exports to a file -- the URL of
> the feed must be given in the Org file to satisfy the Atom
> specification which highly recommends (SHOULD) feeds having a
> reference to self.
> Regards
>  -- David
> --
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