Hi everyone,

a modified version of Eric's code is now included into Org, I just pushed it
to the git repo.

You can use the command `C-c C-x \' to toggle this feature.

The variable `org-pretty-entities' determines if this mode is on by default.

Finally, you can use

#+STARTUP: entitiespretty
#+STARTUP: entitiesplain

to change things on a per-file base.

Thanks to Eric for this great idea.

- Carsten

On May 5, 2010, at 6:19 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:


Recently I've been making use of org-entites for exporting my greek/ math
heavy class notes to HTML.  I'm really loving the results.

This morning I've started playing around with the below function
`org-pretty-entities', which is adapted from Phil Hagelberg's
`pretty-lambdas'[1].  Calling this function in an org-mode buffer will
have the effect of fontifying all org-entities text strings as the
character which they represent, so \Delta is replaced with Δ, \lambda
with λ, \in with ∈, and so forth.

I've just started playing with this, and I make no guarantees as to it's safety or utility, but I was very pleasantly surprised by the simplicity
of the function, and how nice it's been to see my special characters
appear in org-mode buffers as I type.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
 (defun org-pretty-entities ()
    nil (mapcar
         (lambda (el)
(concat "(?\\(" (regexp-quote "\\") (nth 0 el) "[\s]" "\ \)") `(0 (progn (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (- (match- end 1) 1)
                                       ,(nth 6 el)) nil))))


To try this out, just evaluate the above code block inside of an
org-mode buffer, then starting typing out org-entities.

Hope others find this useful.

Best -- Eric


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