Carsten Dominik <> writes:
> On Apr 18, 2010, at 4:13 AM, Tom Breton (Tehom) wrote:
>> I've refactored `org-export-as-html', factored code to build links
>> into `org-html-make-link'.
>> This does two things that I needed:
>> * It allows custom link types to build anchors.
>>   * How: Call org-html-make-link.  Many parameters, see the function
>>     docstring.  It returns a string containing an HTML link.
>> * It adds the capability to convert links when exporting.
>>   * How: Around the export call, bind org-html-cvt-link-fn to a
>>     function that takes 1 parameter (filename) and returns a url as a
>>     string.
>> I think it also makes the code cleaner.
> I am sure it does - the export function has grown like cancer in the run of
> years.
> Unfortunately, I right now do not have the time to study this carefully enough
> to make sure this does not break anything.
> Tom, maybe you can update the patch to the current master.
> Are there any volunteers who can put this patch through the mill?  Or Tom, 
> maybe
> you first want to implement the other stuff you are thinking about?

Tom and Carsten,

here's a volunteer for testing it. I've been looking in this export
and publishing stuff frequently lately, and a clean-up would be great.


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