Mark Elston <> wrote:

> Nick,
> Thanks.  I'm already trying the script approach.  I have the
> following in a script:
>   open
>   y
>   <username>
>   <password>
>   cd org
>   put
>   put
>   close
>   exit
> The 'y' is to accept the untrusted server certificate.
> Unfortunately, even though this all works manually, when running it as:
>   cadaver < response.file
> it barfs on accepting the certificate.  Sigh.  Time to get the sources
> and try compiling a local version that doesn't ask to accept the
> cert and just goes on with the rest.

On Linux, I can use the .netrc mechanism to log in to the server (simple
auth only), so the script does not have to worry about that. Don't know
whether this works with the cygwin version or how the certificate
complicates things.  Using this mechanism, the following script works:

| #! /bin/bash
| cadaver << EOF
| put
| quit


> On 4/15/2010 12:31 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
> > Mark Elston<>  wrote:
> >
> >> Nick,
> >>
> >> I have gotten cadaver running and can use it to connect to
> >> How do I integrate this in with MobileOrg?
> >>
> >> Mark
> >>
> >
> > [adding to my previous mail...]
> >
> > There are some examples (using scp) of setting up the
> > org-mobile-post-push-hook in Appendix B.1 of the Org manual.  You might
> > have to write a script to get cadaver to do what you want and then have
> > the hook call the script: afaics, you can't just use the "scp src dest"
> > command line paradigm.
> >
> > Nick

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