Daniel Brunner <dan...@dbrunner.de> writes:

> Hi,
> I am testing some ideas with org-babel (which is really great work) and
> got the following problem: I want to put several org-mode source blocks
> in one org-mode file and tangle them afterwards. Therefore I produced
> the following a.org:
> -->8--
> #+begin_src org :tangle in-a.org
>   ,* Foo
>   ,** Bar
> #+end_src
> -->8--
> Then I thought I have to add "org" to the list of known tangle
> languages:
>> (add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-langs '("org" "org"))
> And when I know try a org-babel-tangle for example with
>> (org-babel-tangle-file "a.org") 
> Nothing happens. 
> Can anybody help with what I am doing wrong? 

Hi Daniel,

Short answer: please add

(org-babel-add-interpreter "org")

Long answer: I think there is room for improvement in org-babel
here. For example, the protective commas are not stripped out on
tangling, but I feel that they should be. And we need to clarify in the
documentation when org-babel-add-interpreter is needed and when adding
to org-babel-tangle-langs is required. I'm adding this to our todo list.

Best wishes,


> Kind regards, Daniel
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