On Thu, 08 Apr 2010 21:17:20 -0400, Dan Davison <davi...@stats.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

> I've been working on an Org tool to browse Emacs buffers. Emacs has the
> function list-buffers (C-x C-b), where you can view a list of buffers,
> delete buffers, etc. This is intended to be a replacement for
> list-buffers, implemented in Org-mode.

Excellent!  I really like this.  I currently use both bs-show and ido
for buffer selection but I could easily be convinced to use this
instead of bs-show.  Some comments:

> The buffer has some special key-bindings:

I have a problem with the current bindings: you are (I guess) trying
to emulate dired to some degree (cf. bindings for RET, 'd', 'o' [1] and
'x').  It would be nice therefore to have movement bindings as well
('n' and 'p').  I can obviously bind these myself but 'p' is already
taken and it would be nice to be as consistent with the defaults as
possible.  Maybe 'P' for properties on/off?

When I tried column view, the default widths are much too wide for my
netbook.  Can these be changed?  More importantly, when I left column
view, the buffer view was now different than the original view.
Originally, I had two levels (mode + buffer) and now it was a single
level (buffer).  How do I get back to mode+buffer two level view?

Thanks again!


[1]  I found 'o' initially annoying as knowing that I was in org, I
expected it to behave like 'o' in agenda (hide other window)...

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