Emin.shopper Martinian.shopper wrote: >Dear Experts, >I have noticed that if I have a "nested entry" in an org-mode file, it >does not get picked up properly in my agenda.
>For example, if I have something like the stuff shown below in an >org-mode file and I create an agenda or export it, I sometimes get an >entry for the top level item which includes the bottom level item. For >example, if I do "C-c C-e c" and export this to an icalendar agenda >then I get an entry for PLAN even though it is not schedule but I get >no entry for "quick morning stuff" even though it is scheduled. Any >thoughts on what I can do so that such scheduled items are handled >properly? First let's single out the problem: Is it about iCal export or agenda display? I've tried the example and both entries show up in the agenda (M-x org-agenda RET a). For the iCal export I get: ,---- | BEGIN:VCALENDAR | VERSION:2.0 | X-WR-CALNAME:OrgMode | PRODID:-//David Maus//Emacs with Org-mode//EN | X-WR-TIMEZONE:CEST | CALSCALE:GREGORIAN | BEGIN:VEVENT | UID: TS-b9d39029-8b23-49a4-81ea-968da38c60ad | DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20100322 | DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20100323 | SUMMARY:PLAN :PLAN:DAILY: | DESCRIPTION: ** quick morning stuff | CATEGORIES:PLAN,DAILY,test | END:VEVENT | END:VCALENDAR `---- So indeed: The scheduled subheadline doesn't get an entry but is used as description of the PLAN headline. Did you customize the iCal export properly (M-x customize-group RET org-export-icalendar RET)? If not this behavior is actually okay. There is this variable with the default setting: ,---- | Hide Org Icalendar Use Scheduled: | [ SCHEDULED timestamps in non-TODO entries become events | [ ] SCHEDULED timestamps in TODO entries become events | [X] SCHEDULED in TODO entries become start date | State: STANDARD. | Contexts where iCalendar export should use a scheduling time stamp. More `---- So SCHEDULED entries are only exported when they have a TODO keyword. HTH -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... dmj...@jabber.org Email..... dm...@ictsoc.de
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