"Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I've been using the code currently located at [1] for sending HTML email
> [2] for a little while now, and it is working very well.

Hi Eric,

I just tried pasting content from an org file into a message-mode buffer
and calling org-mail-htmlize on the region, and sending the resulting
message to gmail. It worked very nicely, with two drawbacks:

1. The content contained links to an image like [[file:file.png][]]. I
   had to manually copy the image to /tmp in order for it to be found on

2. The TODO keywords and timestamps lacked their org-mode fontification.

Is there a different procedure I should use to do what I'm trying to do,
or are these tweaks that could be made to your code? I have not
attempted to follow the technical aspects of this thread so I may well
be misunderstanding stuff here.



> I wonder if this should be included in the contrib directory of
> Org-mode?  Also, since it currently only supports gnus (it should be
> very easy to extend to WL and VM, but I don't have access to these other
> mailers for testing/verification) maybe it should be sent to the gnus
> mailing list instead?
> Cheers -- Eric
> Footnotes: 
> [1]  http://github.com/eschulte/org-html-mail
> [2] In defense of sending html mail I should mention that I've only been
>     using it to send tables and latex images to people who I know don't
>     have access to a true fixed-width font email client.  In addition
>     the code presents html as one multipart/alternative with the full
>     org-mode plain text presented as a text alternative, so those who
>     care and who have control over their email clients can opt to view
>     the text portion and ignore the html.  In gnus this is possible with
>     (setq mm-discouraged-alternatives '("text/html" "text/richtext"))
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