John Hendy <> writes:

> Very cool and good point about unfolding. I've basically been doing the same 
> things.
> Thanks for the speed keys link, especially. I've just got to sit down and 
> read the whole manual some weekend... there's so much and since I am usually 
> searching under 'problem-based' motivation, there's
> so many helpful things I might never find that way!
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Memnon Anon 
> <> wrote:
>     John Hendy <> writes:
>     > This awesome. If this equivalent existed for M-a/e and M-f/b, I would
>     > be very happy with the result. Seem reasonable -- when on a folded
>     > headline, I just can't think of a reason someone would want to
>     > interact with the headline after the ellipsis. It even, as someone
>     > else mentioned, can ge one into trouble -- press the wrong key or
>     > delete after it and you're removing text you can't even see... but are
>     > able to interact with!
>     Well, after all, its just "Plain Text" you are editing.
>     Whenever there is an Elipsis, there is a convenient "hack" in the
>     display hiding what you don't want to see, but it is never the less a
>     hack. So I got into the habbit that, whenever I edit a line that
>     contains "...", I unfold it first; whenever it is folded, I only
>     a ) view it or
>     b) navigate with the org commands like the speed keys
>       ( or
>     c) use the org structure editing command
>     (
>     For extensive editing with emacs board tools, there is always
>     "M-x show-all".
>     So, I agree, whenever there are ellipsis, editing "it ... can
>     get one into trouble". So I just don't ;).
>     hth
>     Memnon

Sorry about the premature post - send key malfunction :)

One other thing I've done for dealing with folded text is use my binding
for F9-v which toggles visibility mode on and off.  This unfolds
_everything_ and makes it possible to see what you are changing (usually
because I accidentally edited something in a folded region and want to
see exactly what I'm undoing to fix it)

(global-set-key (kbd "<f9> v") 'visible-mode)


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