Hi Carsten,

reply inline below.

On 11/03/2010, at 4:40 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:

> On Mar 11, 2010, at 2:34 AM, Matthew Phillips wrote:
>> I am trying to get a TODO tags view in my daily agenda just shows the first 
>> TODO of a “Project” (a la the “next action” in GTD). This allows me to have 
>> a TODO “tags” block in my custom agenda that doesn’t run to several pages: I 
>> just see the next action for each project, and, as each action is marked 
>> DONE, the next one pops up.
>> I have *almost* managed to get this working by turning on 
>> org-enforce-todo-dependencies, setting “ORDERED: t” as a property on 
>> projects, and then using (setq org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks 'invisible).
>> However, this hides scheduled tasks from the agenda view if they are also 
>> blocked (I want them to show up if they are scheduled regardless). It seems 
>> that org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks is not supported as a local setting on 
>> custom commands, so I can’t just make blocked tasks visible in the agenda 
>> view and invisible in the TODO tags query.
> what do you mean by "is not supported as a local option"?  Does that mean you 
> miss it in the customize menu for local option, or does that mean you have 
> added it using the "any variable" entry and then it does not have the desired 
> effect?

What I mean is setting it as an option in the custom commands does not seem to 
work, e.g. see list line in:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
    ("d" "Daily Action List"
     ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-ndays 1)
                   (quote ((agenda time-up priority-down tag-up) )))
                  (org-deadline-warning-days 7)))
     (tags "TODO=\"STARTED\"+SCHEDULED=\"\"+DEADLINE=\"\""
       ((org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks 'invisible)))

The org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks on the generated "tags" view does not get 
honoured. It *does* get honoured as a setting one level "higher", i.e. as a 
local setting to the whole org-agenda-custom-commands block, but that's not 
very useful here.

>> IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Australian Defence 
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> Wow, this sounds scary.  Maybe you need to find a webmail host? :-)

Heh, well it's all legally binding as soon as you open the email, just like a 
EULA you realise? ;)

This is an unsightly side-effect of posting from an organisation that blocks 
webmail, requires the ugly "[SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]" for outside email, and adds 
that footer automatically.



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