
I am not able to get the export options for single sub-tree exporting to
work as I expected it would.  In the attached file, exporting any of the
subtrees yields the same author, date, export file name, and structure
(absence of toc).   I had expected the #+EXPORT_DATE line (in 'Week 5'
heading) and/or the EXPORT_DATE Property (Week 6 heading) to be used for the
resultant exported file. Similarly with the other EXPORT_ options defined
(author, title, filename) in the subtree.

Are the methods used in Week 5 "#+   " and Week 6 (properties) equivalent
for this purpose?  I tried the Week 5 method first, and when I didn't get
what I expected, I tried using Properties, but that didn't work either.

I am exporting to latex -> pdf, using either 'C-c C-e 1 d' (after placing
point on the subtree heading), with transient-mark-mode enabled, in emacs

Are there other things that I may have configured improperly, or is my
understanding of the behavior incorrect.


Attachment: export_options_test.org
Description: Binary data

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