Hi Carsten et al.
Carsten Dominik wrote:
Same here, you need to set this variable *before* org.el gets loaded - I am
suspecting that you are setting it after?
This is kind of tricky. Variable settings should therefore *before* any
require statements, and also the
(load-file "~/.emacs.d/custom.el")
or similar statement must be *before* all the `require' statements.
I am curious if, after you fix this, blocking will still not work.
Please let us know.
Thank you Carsten, and others who chipped in with help. That was my
mistake. The org-enforce-todo-dependencies was set in my .emacs file
within a custom-set-variables block which came after some Org require
statements. Moving it before the require statements has fixed my problem.
I had read the help for the variable, but thought that it simply meant
that any changes to the variable wouldn't take effect until after
restarting the org-mode session. It hadn't occurred to me about the
order of statements in my .emacs file.
Thanks again.
Chris Randle
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