On Jan 10, 2010, at 8:09 PM, Martin Pohlack wrote:

Hi Carsten and Matthew,

On 08.01.2010 18:24, Carsten Dominik wrote:
On Jan 6, 2010, at 4:25 PM, Martin Pohlack wrote:
I just tried this out (only for headlines up to now) and it seems to
work great.

Are there any plans to integrate something like this into upstream?
Especially the wrapping of headlines would enable extensive tag usage.

I have been thinking about that, but not arrived at a conclusion. One thing is the interaction with org-indent-mode. That mode already does
the wrapping for headlines correctly by adding `wrap-prefix', and it
will look really good if you set the variable word-wrap to t.

Ah, I wasn't aware of that.  I think the documentation to org-indent
doesn't mention wrapping (14.6 A cleaner outline view).  How about
something like this:

 org-indent-mode also sets the wrap-prefix property, such that
 visual-line-mode (or purely setting word-wrap) wraps long lines
 (including headlines) correctly indented.

However, the showstoppers are the following:

1. I cannot bring myself to turn off truncate-lines, because it
   messes up tables and code examples badly, and these are major
   components of my work.

Right, I haven't used it to much up to now.

   I have actually put in a feature
   request into Emacs for a property `truncate-line', to be
   able to control this line by line.  I got positive feedback,
   but I don't know when any of the developers finds time
   to implement it - I cannot do that myself.

Awesome.  This sounds like the way to go.

2. Visual-line-mode is also a no go for me, I use keyboard
   macros a lot and need to be able to rely on the fact that
   [down] move the cursor into the next physical line.

I sometimes like visual navigation in wrapped text and my own motion
commands.  I have two commands to move visually explicitly (bound to
s-down, s-up (super-...)).

(defun next-visual-line (&optional arg try-vscroll)
 (interactive "^p\np")
 (let ((line-move-visual t))
     (next-line arg try-vscroll))))

(defun previous-visual-line (&optional arg try-vscroll)
 (interactive "^p\np")
 (let ((line-move-visual t))
     (previous-line arg try-vscroll))))

Jup, good way out.

So I am not sure how to handle this.  We could turn Matthews
code into a module that users can turn on if they wish.

I'm using Matthew's module right now for two reasons.

* I had some trouble configuring org-indent-mode to only handle
 line-wrapping for headlines, i.e., it shall only set wrap-prefix and
 do nothing else.  It always wanted to indent my headlines and body
 texts additionally.  Is this possible?

* Also, emacs segfaulted deterministically after globally collapsing
 all trees with org-indent-mode active.  I have to look into this ...

You need a bleeding-edge Emacs.  The official 23.1 release indeed
segfaults with this, but this bug has been fixed in the mean time.

- Carsten


- Carsten

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