Hello all,

Here a few comments, after my first attempt with the new beamer support --
excellent, needless to say...

Before that, I was using Nick's export class. But, now, I'm using yesterday's
git version.

The few things I'm tackling right now are:

- How to get a TOC with a frame title, without having to add it explicitly?

- How to get alerted text, without customizing `org-export-emphasis-alist'?
  Has this been forgotten from the commit?

- How to get "frame breaks", without modifying the resulting TeX file (by
  adding a frame option `allowframebreaks' -- similar to the `fragile'

- How to get the TOC repeated when changing of section, with the new item
  highlighted?  See my manual essay ;-)

The last question has maybe few to do with Org. I mean: maybe, we can't have
that feature implemented in Org. Dunno.

Here follows an example to play with, and see what I'm talking about:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+TITLE:     Inventory
#+AUTHOR:    Seb Vauban
#+EMAIL:     n...@one.com
#+DATE:      2010-01-06
#+OPTIONS:   H:2 num:t toc:nil
#+OPTIONS:   TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:t tags:not-in-toc

#+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation,t]
#+BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA: \usetheme{Madrid}\usecolortheme{default}
#+COLUMNS: %30ITEM %8BEAMER_env(Env) %7BEAMER_opt(Options) 
%6BEAMER_dovl(DefOvl) %7BEAMER_ovl(Overlay) %4BEAMER_col(Col)
#+OPTIONS: tags:nil

#+BEAMER: \frame{\frametitle{Table of Contents}\tableofcontents}

* Context

** Context
   This document is a minimal example, full of fake sentences:
   - the list of assets currently found, and
   - the things that *must*, /should/ or @could@ be developed in the coming

   Is "could" presented as an alert?

   Note that the previous slide, TOC, has a title, because I inserted it
   myself. When generated by Org, there is no frametitle.

* Current assets

** DB
*** Model
**** Schema
**** Partial X
     We extended X in order to put constraints on things (as one can
     with cardinalities).
**** What
*** Rules
**** Other
***** First
***** Second
***** Rules, with link automatically made between rule failures and 
contributing properties
**** Performance
***** Specialization of programs given partial data
***** Query reduction: optimize the queries so that with a minimal IO 
interaction the necessary data from a DB can be requested
*** Computations
**** Excel engine *IS NOT THE LAST ITEM*
*** Integrity *has a subitem* (not shown by default)
**** Seamless migrations is not visible if allowframebreaks is not set

** Workflow
*** Petri net engine
*** Workflow viewer
*** Data mining
*** Internal engine (based on new protocol)
*** Semantic language (integration of the model and of the other stuff)

* Future developments
#+BEAMER: \frame[c]{\begin{center}Future developments\end{center}}

** Model
*** Extensions (aggregation, negation)
** Workflow
*** Workflow editor


# This is for the sake of Emacs.
# Local Variables:
# ispell-local-dictionary: "en_US"
# End:
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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